JinGao Petro NOV300Q-5H plunger

JinGao Petro NOV300Q-5H plunger

JinGao Petro Provide NOV300Q-5H plunger
1-7/8" Carbide plunger 1712445(L-340-187)
2" Carbide plunger  1712272(L340-188) Etc
we also can provide the 300Q-5 Pump's fluid end and power end parts

300Q-5 Quintuplex power pumps are offered with fluid cylinders of nickel-aluminum bronze, forged carbon steel or duplex stainless
steel. A variety of packing and valve arrangements are available to meet the requirements of any application. The critical
components of the power end—crankshaft, connecting rods, crossheads and bearings—are comparatively larger than industry-standard components enabling them to withstand continuous-duty service and harsh operating conditions.